Have you ever felt like you’re living your life on autopilot, without really knowing what your life’s purpose is? It’s a common feeling to have, especially when we’re wrapped up in the daily grind of work and responsibilities. However, constantly feeling like something is missing in our lives can leave us feeling lost and unfulfilled. If you feel like your life is out of alignment and you’re not living life the way you want, it’s time to take a step back and identify what’s causing you to feel this way.

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Step #1: Identify your values – The first step in figuring out your purpose is to identify your core values. What’s important to you? What drives you? Examining your values will help clarify what matters most to you in life. Once you have a clear understanding of your values, you can begin to align your life with those values.

Step #2: Evaluate your activities – Evaluate how you spend your time. Are your daily activities aligned with your values? If not, find out what activities you should be adding or removing to bring your life back into alignment. Aligning your activities with your values will keep you focused and motivated.

Step #3: Ask yourself the tough questions – Ask yourself the tough questions about why you’re feeling lost and unfulfilled. What is the root cause of these feelings? Identifying the underlying reasons for these feelings gives you the power to make positive changes to your life.

Step #4: Try new things – If you’re feeling stuck in your current situation, it may be time to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Whether it’s volunteering, taking up a new hobby, or learning a new skill, exploring new opportunities can help you discover what truly makes you happy and fulfilled.

Step #5: Create a plan – Once you’ve identified what’s causing you to feel like your life is out of alignment, it’s time to make a plan to change it. Set achievable goals and create a plan to reach those goals. Having a plan will help you stay focused and motivated as you work towards living the life you want.


Feeling like your life is out of alignment with your values and purpose can leave you feeling lost and unfulfilled. However, taking the time to identify your values and evaluate your activities can help you bring your life back into alignment. By asking yourself the tough questions, trying new things, and creating a plan, you can take control of your life and live it in a way that brings you joy and fulfillment. Remember, aligning your life with your values is a journey and it’s never too late to start.