As women, we are often conditioned to believe that it’s important to be agreeable, to not rock the boat, and to play small. We may avoid speaking up in meetings, saying no to requests, or advocating for ourselves, and instead, we shrink ourselves to make others comfortable. But why do we do this? And what can we do to overcome it? In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why women tend to show up small and provide some tips on how to overcome it.

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Fear of Rejection: One of the reasons why women tend to show up small is the fear of rejection. We may worry that if we speak our minds, we’ll be judged, criticized or rejected. This fear can hold us back from taking risks, trying new things or stepping outside of our comfort zones. overcome this fear, it’s important to practice self-compassion, recognize that failure is a natural part of growth, and remind ourselves that our worth is not defined by other people’s opinions.

Cultural Conditioning: Women are often socialized to be caretakers – to prioritize others’ needs ahead of their own. This conditioning can lead us to silence our own voices and opinions and avoid conflict to preserve relationships. However, it’s important to recognize that self-care is essential, and prioritizing our own needs is not selfish but necessary for our mental and emotional well-being.

Impostor Syndrome: Another reason why women tend to show up small is due to impostor syndrome – the feeling that we are not qualified or deserving of our accomplishments. We may downplay our achievements, defer to others, or avoid opportunities for growth and development due to this belief. To overcome impostor syndrome, it’s important to recognize our strengths and accomplishments, seek out support, and challenge negative self-talk.

Lack of Representation: Women are often underrepresented in leadership positions, which can lead to a lack of confidence and imposter syndrome. When women don’t see themselves represented in positions of power or authority, they may believe that they don’t belong or that they’re not good enough. To overcome this, it’s important to seek out role models and mentors who can provide support and guidance. It’s also important to advocate for diversity and inclusion in our workplaces and communities.

Embrace the Uncomfortable: Finally, it’s important to embrace discomfort and take risks. We need to practice speaking up and advocating for ourselves, even if it feels uncomfortable. Growth and change require stepping outside of our comfort zones and taking risks. By embracing discomfort and taking small steps towards our goals, we can overcome our fear of rejection, cultural conditioning, impostor syndrome, and lack of representation.


In conclusion, it’s important for women to recognize the reasons why we tend to show up small and take steps to overcome it. By practicing self-compassion, challenging negative beliefs, seeking out support, embracing discomfort, and advocating for ourselves and others, we can grow, develop and achieve our full potential. Let’s break the cycle of cultural conditioning and lean into our power and strength as women.